Here are my top 10 VS Code extensions for developers to increase productivity:
ESLint (JavaScript/TypeScript Linter): Helps catch errors and enforce code style in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects
Prettier (Code Formatter): Automatically formats your code according to your chosen style guide, keeping your code consistent and readable.
GitLens (Git Supercharger): Provides deep insights into your Git repositories, making it easier to navigate code history, visualize branches, and understand code authorship.
Live Server (Local Development Server): Launches a local development server with live reload functionality, allowing you to see your code changes reflected in the browser instantly.
Remote - SSH (Develop on Remote Machines): Enables you to develop directly on remote machines with SSH access, eliminating the need to set up a local development environment.
Bookmarks (Jump to Code Locations): Quickly jump between important lines of code in your project using bookmarks.
TODO Highlight (Find and Manage TODOs): Highlights TODO comments in your code, making it easier to track tasks and ensure nothing gets forgotten.
Code Spell Checker (Catch Typos): Identifies and corrects spelling mistakes in your code comments and strings, improving code readability.
Indent Rainbow (Visualize Code Structure): Uses different colors for different indentation levels, making it easier to visually understand the structure of your code.
GitHub Copilot (AI Code Completion): Generates code suggestions based on the context of your project, helping you write code faster and more efficiently.
That's my top ten visual studio code extensions, share in comments your favorite extensions ๐
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