Efficient Object Looping, Deletion, and Existence Checks in JavaScript

Efficient Object Looping, Deletion, and Existence Checks in JavaScript

JavaScript Object is a non-primitive data type we store in it multiple and different primitive data type, every object consists of keys (properties) and its values, here is an object example👇

const person = {
  firstName: "Ismail",
  lastName: "AbuAlmagd",
  age: 35,
  married: true

Loop throw object JavaScript:

there are many ways to iterate over JavaScript object, let me show it👇

1-Usingfor...in: this statement allows us to iterate over all object properties 👇

for (let key in person) {
    console.log(key, person[key]);

firstName Ismail
lastName AbuAlmagd
age 35
married true

2.UsingObject.entries(): this statement provided at (ES6), with this statement you can get key and value directly👇

 for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(person)) {
    console.log(key, value);

firstName Ismail
lastName AbuAlmagd
age 35
married true

3.extracte keys into array by Object.keys then get value by index👇

let keys = Object.keys(person);

// Iterate over properties by index
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length ; i++) {
    console.log(keys[i], person[keys[i]]);

firstName Ismail
lastName AbuAlmagd
age 35
married true

Check if key exists in object JavaScript:

there are many ways to check if key exists in object let me show you👇

1-Using hasOwnProperty() 👇

if (person.hasOwnProperty('firstName')) {
       console.log('person object has  a fristName key');
      console.log('person object has  no key equal to fristName');

person object has  a fristName key

if (person.hasOwnProperty('secondName')) {
       console.log('person object has  a secondName key');
      console.log('person object has  no key equal to secondName');
person object has  no key equal to secondName


if ('firstName' in person) {
       console.log('person object has  a fristName key');
      console.log('person object has  no key equal to fristName');

person object has  a fristName key

if ('secondName' in person) {
       console.log('person object has  a secondName key');
      console.log('person object has  no key equal to secondName');
person object has  no key equal to secondName

Difference betweeninandhasOwnProperty()thatinwork even for inherited, On the contraryhasOwnProperty()didn't.

3-As you can get value of object key by using Square Brackets, so we can check if object have this key or not,

Checking undefined-ness is not accurate as may be the key exist but undefined👇

const cat={

console.log('the secondName key may didnot exist in person object or exist but hasnot a value ')

Delete key from object JavaScript:

1**-Using** deleteoperator:

const person={

delete person['age'];

{ fristName: 'ali', secondName: 'mina' }

2-Using object destructing:

This way is immutable, mean we create a new object.

const person={



{ fristName: 'ali', secondName: 'mina' }

If we print the person, the old object it's still unmodified.


{ fristName: 'ali', age: 12, secondName: 'mina' }

I hope this is useful to you.

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thanks, stay in touch ismail abo almagd or @SaaSboy on Twitter.